Friday, June 19, 2020

Research Intends to use in Carrying out the Study - 6600 Words

Details the Methodology that the Research Intends to use in Carrying out the Study (Dissertat. Methodology Sample) Content: CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY3.1 Research DesignThe research design is a procedural plan adopted by the researcher to answer research questions objectively, accurately, validly and economically. In general, the research design plays two key roles. First, it aids in the identification and development of logical arrangements and procedures required to undertake a study (Woodbury 2002). Second, the design lays emphasis on the quality (objectivity, validity and accuracy) of the underlying procedures. When conducting research, it is vital to note that the research design is distinct from the method through which data are collected. In general, there are a number of ways in which research designs can be classified. First, research design can either be descriptive, correlational, experimental, semi-experimental, review and meta-analytic. Moreover, the research design can be grouped into quantitative and qualitative research designs. In this study, the resign design will p rimarily be descriptive, particularly, a survey. The rationale for ignoring other designs such as experimental is due to resource constraints. In addition, unlike other designs, descriptive research design enables the researcher to utilize both qualitative and quantitative data in finding out answers to research questions. This is primarily because the descriptive research design allows various data sources to be taken into consideration. There are extra benefits associated with the use of descriptive research design, particularly in data collections (Hall 2008). For instance, it enables the researcher to make of use research surveys. In general, the research design utilized in this study consisted of five main phases (see figure 3.1). The first phase entailed the identification of the research problem. Provided in the second phase was a review of the literature on the Literature review on the Impact of Politics and Legislation on the Growth of the Economy. Thereafter, the researche r embarked on the gathering of empirical data, systematic analysis and discussion the collected data, and drawing of a conclusion based on the empirical data collected and analyzed. Figure 3.1: General Research DesignIn conducting descriptive research design, the researcher found it crucial to make use of survey method. Survey methodology provides a study of a sample of individuals from the target population through the use of data collection techniques such as questionnaire design (survey questions), with the aim of making statistical inferences regarding the population. Most surveys often take the form of census, government surveys, market research surveys, public health surveys, and public opinions. In this study, the researcher conducted a single survey that focused on the impact of politics and legislation on the growth of the Economy. Since a survey research is merely based on a population sample, the success of the research significantly depends on the representativeness of the population sample with respect to the target population. Despite its ease of use, the survey methodology is coupled with a number of challenges. These include making decisions on how to evaluate and test questions, supervise and train interviewers, spot and select sample participants, check data files for internal consistency and accuracy, select the approach for posturing questions and collecting responses, and adjust survey approximations to correct errors.3.2 Research ApproachThe aim of the research is to find solutions to practical problems which are classified as applied research (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe Jackson, 2012). The main aspects being researched deal with both factual data (statistics) and human behaviour. The researcher will have to follow the positivist approach and deal with the factual information and by hypothesis confirm or disconfirm the findings. By using the positivist approach, the researcher has to maintain complete independence from the object of study (Easterby-Smith, Thorpe Jackson, 2012). To deal with the human element, the researcher undertakes the social constructionism to determine the different realities created by the human element. For the type of research intended, it makes sense that both quantitative and qualitative methods are included (Thomas, 2003). There are many researchers including (Creswell, 2003; Thomas, 2003; Krathwohl, 1993) that view qualitative and quantitative methods as complementary when choosing the most appropriate method/s for the investigation. Quantitative research is a systematic investigation of social phenomena through mathematic, statistical or computational techniques. The key objective of quantitative research is to provide fundamental connection between quantitative data (Mahoney Goertz 2006). The key essence of quantitative research approach is to reduce collected data into numerical format such as rates and percentages. In quantitative research, the researcher usually knows in advance t he elements he/she needs to focus on. Thus, all aspects of the study are cautiously designed prior to data collection. In using quantitative research, the researcher made use of surveys for collecting primary data and secondary data sources. The rationale for employing this approach was based on the fact that it produces highly reliable and quantifiable data, which can easily be generalized. Moreover, this approach permits researchers to test specific hypotheses, which is more exploratory (Mahoney Goertz 2006). In spite of its associated strengths, the approach has been criticized of decontextualizing human behavior in a manner that removes that shifts, an event from its real world setting. In overcoming the limitations attributable to quantitative research, however, the researcher used some aspects of qualitative research. A qualitative research is a method of inquiry that aims at gathering an in-depth understanding of human behaviors and the key drivers that govern such behavior s. Frequently, qualitative method investigates the how and why aspects of decisions making, and not just where, what and when. In qualitative research, the researcher was required to ask broad questions on the research topic in collecting word data from participants (Mahoney Goertz 2006). Here, the researcher collected some qualitative formation regarding the personal views and feelings of respondents by looking for relevant themes, described the information provided in themes and patterns restricted to that set of participants. 3.3 Sample Characteristics Prior to selecting a population sample, the researcher took necessary steps to include only those respondents with a considerable experience with smartphones. For strong theoretical and practical reasons, it was appropriate for the researcher to use probability sampling. This increased the chance of every member in the team to be included in the sample. As opposed to probability sampling, non-probability sampling targets specific individuals (Levy, Lemeshow Wiley InterScience 2008). The key feature of non-probability is that the samples selected are based on the researchers subjective judgment, as opposed to a random selection. Non-probability sampling includes methods like volunteer sampling, purposive sampling, quota sampling and Haphazard sampling (Levy, Lemeshow Wiley InterScience 2008). In spite of the availability of a number of probability sampling methods, the research utilized a simple random sampling technique in selecting the employees that will be included in the study sample. The key rationale for employing simple random sampling was largely attributed to the nature of the study. Selecting a target group is arguably an important but often difficult task of the research. From a research point of view, a target group comprises of a group of respondents (employees, customers, and professionals among others) that the researcher may decide to aim its research efforts. A well defined target group is the essential element to a successful research. In this context, it is clear that the target group for the research will include 100 professional people (employees) from Information Technology and Engineering, accounting and legal disciplines. In addition to the employees, 20 employers will also be targeted from the same disciplines. The reason for the particular group choice is that these individuals have a significant impact on the performance of the economy. Legal has been included to deal with the question of the change in laws and the impact on the work force. The main reason for using such a large sample of respondents (100) was to improve the degree of exactitude of the research findings. Besides, this sample size was considered crucial in relation to the researchers easy of generalization of the study results. 3.4 Data collection instruments and methods In this study, the researcher utilized data from both primary and secondary data sources. Primary data was collected throu gh a primary research. In most cases, the primary research is undertaken after the researcher has acquired some imminent into the research issue. Though considered very expensive compared to secondary research, the use of primary research was to enable the researcher focus on both quantitative and qualitative issues that were critical in this study (Hall 2008; Shi Tao 2008). In addition, using the primary research was to enable the researcher to control the research design in order to fit the research needs. Despite the existence of various methods that can be used to collect primary data, the primary data collection techniques consisted of questionnaires, personal interviews and observations. The first phase of the studys data collection will entail the use of questionnaire (Mertens 2009). This method will be used to get feedback from people that will make the research on the reasons for emigration...

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